Deviled Eggs have gained in popularity and are becoming common on foodservice menus of all price points. As you see these childhood staples, you will quickly recognize that they are a refined version of grandma’s go-to item.

Deviled eggs in the foodservice menu

Today’s Deviled Egg is being filled, flavored, and garnished with virtually every flavor combination. The lifelong connection to the comfort of eggs guarantees foodservice guest satisfaction while giving the chef/cook the creative freedom to present creative culinary combinations. A foodservice operator can maximize profit margins with this simple, well-recognized American tradition by stepping up the components in Deviled Egg offerings.

The Deviled Egg is a menu fit for bars, restaurants, and buffets. A menu can feature a chef’s selection of the day or even a house specialty. Try marketing a trio of flavors as an appetizer or offer a single deviled egg as a course in tasting menu. When offering Deviled Eggs on a buffet, you can have various flavors and toppings to create a wow factor.

Deviled egg chef’s station

Take eggs to the next level and offer a Deviled Egg Chef’s Station. The Chef can garnish the eggs as they are arranged on platters for the guests. An efficient and skillful chef can even pipe and finish deviled eggs in front of the guest.

Tips for success with deviled eggs

Here are some culinary options:

  • Filling flavors: Use foods that pipe smoothly for a luscious presentation. Try avocado, garbanzo beans (hummus), black bean, or miso.
  • Surprise: Add a surprise component under the filling, such as tapenade, pesto, bean paste, or chopped herbs.
  • Appearance of a deviled egg is the first impression. Make it count with consistent, even piping as you fill the eggs.
  • Color: You can lend a little color to the outside of a deviled egg by first steeping the whole egg in brewed tea, pickling in beets, or spinach puree.
  • Garnish: Top with smoked salmon, bacon, barbeque pulled meat, crab, lobster, fish roe, sun-dried tomato, a sprig of herbs, ham-n-cheese, or whatever your imagination invents.

Check out Safest Choice’s™ avocado deviled eggs with prosciutto recipe for your next foodservice menu inspiration.
